Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Retired Life Updates From Maui / Insight On Fear And Anxiety,Lies And Deception,Anger And Resentment

Hello Friends, since many of you indicated that you would like to keep hearing from me, I decided to send regular updates to all my contacts list through email. Most of you know me as someone who prays a lot. Yes, I find that life on earth is a lot of hard work, and the only way I will survive is through prayer and connection to the creator of the universe. When I am having challenges and learned a lesson or prayers answered, I feel this strong sense of obligation to share my insights because I never know if it would help somebody who is going through the same thing.

I happen to live in Paradise, thanked God! I will add pictures with every post so you can share in my adventure.

As retired people, we try to go on a date at the beach once a week. All the accumulated stress is finally melting off from inside of me. My blood pressure normalized and life is good.

I am busy gardening, cracking coconuts, writing, praying, and exploring. Too many things to do, so little time.

Fear/Anxiety, Lies, Deception, Anger, Resentment

I am speaking from personal experience and would like to share these insights with you.

When things don't go my way, I experience a lot of anxiety. I feel the need to control. The spirit of fear and anxiety wants me to panic, worry, and be anxious. It also has friends that come along, namely, the spirit of lies and deception.

The spirit of lies tells me that I am tired of putting up, and I don't deserve what I am going through, and that it is good if I give up because life is much better out there. The spirit of deception deceives me into thinking that what the spirit of lies told me, is the truth! All three of them coach me that I must do something immediately, take control or go down, and life won't be worth living.

Before I resort to pills, my coping mechanism springs into action. I know there are good and bad coping skills:

My good coping skills:

1. Prayer

2. Singing/reading

3. Gardening

4. Walking/Dancing

5. Any hobby that makes me happy and think positive thoughts like blogging, sewing, crocheting, drawing etc

6. Watching positive spiritual/motivational speeches on youtube

7. Confiding to a trusted friend or family

My bad coping skills:

  1. Blaming

  2. Resenting

  3. Drinking alcohol - I do this at times

  4. gossiping

  5. hurting people emotionally

Bad coping skills that other people might do but not me:

  1. Cussing or cursing others

  2. hurting people physically

  3. smoking/drinking

  4. Labeling or calling other people names

  5. Illegal or questionable internet practices

As I employ my good and bad coping skills, the problem is not resolving and nothing is working. I am frustrated and discouraged. The spirit of anger has now arrived to join the other spirits, crowding out the Holy Spirit. They compel me to explode, yell, scream, flee, anything, to take the pressure off, and the hurt to go away. I must do it or I will break. All these spirits working inside me at their finest. They succeeded in the initial step of a dissatisfied life.

I can't be angry all the time so I must tame that spirit. I decide to simmer instead and invite the spirit of resentment. The spirit of lies tells me it's OK to be angry, if I don't act mad. The spirit of deception nodded in agreement, I now see the other person through the spirit of resentment. Pretending that everything is alright, I am acting friendly, but I see that everything they do is wrong and I become more frustrated. The evil spirits convinced me that it is my right to feel this way. The spirits are all laughing behind me, watching me being miserable with my life.

At this point, I am reminded by God to forgive or suffer the consequence of a bitter spirit. I consciously make the decision to forgive. It's not easy. The spirit of resentment keeps coming back, including the spirit of lies and deception. They keep telling me, "It's not right!" "You need to level with her/him," "Play by your rules, not theirs," and on and on. When I go to bed and wake up, I thought about how I was offended or manipulated. I was sorry that I didn't have a quick comeback or some sharp remarks that was just as hurtful as theirs. The accuser of the brethren blames me and make me feel bad.

The spirit of bitterness is knocking at my door. If I allow that spirit to join the others, they will be too intense that I might have a hard time coming out from under them. The spirit of bitterness brings a curse. Numbers 5:24 says: "Then He shall make the woman drink the water of bitterness that brings a curse so that it will go into her and cause bitterness." It can make me confuse and aimlessly wander based on Isaiah 38:15b. "I will wander about all my years because of the bitterness of my soul." In Hebrews 12:14-15, it says, "Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and be holy; without holiness, no one will see The LORD. See to it that no one falls short of God's grace, and no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. I am aware that bitterness can block God's blessings for me, and it can even make me sick, then I have to take some pills. I genuinely believe that. I happen to know several people who became ill and also died because of unresolved bitterness.

Nope, I am not going to let the spirit of bitterness come in. Each time the spirit of fear/anxiety comes to visit me, I will drive them all away (I will name them one by one: )

1. Spirit of Fear/anxiety

2. Spirit of Lies

3. Spirit of Deception

4. Accuser of the Brethren

5. Spirit of Resentment

6. Spirit Of Bitterness -

"You all come out of me and leave me alone in the name Of Yeshua HaMaschiah (Jesus Christ), who gave me the authority to trample down snakes and scorpions and to disable the power of the enemy."

I forgive the offender(s). I say their name. I give the problem to God, and trust Him that He will take care of it. He said in Exodus 14:14 that He would fight my battle. I have to be patient with the outcome. If reconciliation is possible I will do it but if not, I will rest in God, my savior. The Holy Spirit is the only spirit that I allow to reside inside me. I have perfect peace (Shalom), and He blesses me with abundance. Things do get better. I will enjoy His provision for now. I will not allow the enemy to sabotage God's blessings. I will sing and give praises to my God, who provides a way of escape and brings me to a safe and quiet place of rest. HalleluYah! Amen!


Below is a snapshot from the book "Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis, written in 1942. I read the book roughly 15 years ago, and since then, I became more aware of what is going on inside myself and the demonic influence surrounding us.

Love and blessings,

Cyd Pinky Olson

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